Ms. Virginie Quatre

Ms. Virginie Quatre

Director Capital Markets & Collective Investment Schemes Supervision

Capital Markets & Collective Investment Schemes Supervision Section

The Capital Markets & Collective Investment Schemes Supervision Section (CM&CISSS) is responsible for the regulation and supervision of entities licensed under the Securities Act, 2007, and the Mutual Fund and Hedge Fund Act, 2008. As such, the CM&CISSS regulates both the securities markets in the Seychelles and collective investments schemes business in or from the Seychelles. The CM&CISSS also actively explores the boundaries of regulation in a bid to develop the market, improve efficiency and to effectively protect financial consumers.

The primary objectives of the FSA as the Securities Authority are:

  • the protection of investors;
  • ensuring that markets are fair, efficient and transparent;
  • the protection of the good repute of the Seychelles as an international financial service center; and
  • working with other regulatory agencies to ensure mitigation of systemic risk.


Bois De Rose Avenue, P.O. Box 991

Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles

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